Reboot – 2022

Once upon a time we were doing Weight Watchers, and doing really well. That’s when we started this blog, and then, well, life happens. Things get busy, and then a pandemic hits, and then in the middle of the pandemic we move to North Carolina, where frankly, all the food is delicious. Now, it’s March of 2022, and I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life, and I feel like garbage most of the time. How did I get here? Why am I like this? At some level I know that my eating habits usually have nothing to do with food, or being hungry. I eat because I am bored, or sad, or stressed. It’s been a coping mechanism for me all my life.

Here’s the parallel route of the story. There’s a pandemic, you’re working from home, staying home most of the time, what do you do? You watch a lot of TV. This journey starts with Jason and I watching “Dark Side of the Ring”. If you haven’t watched it, you should. Watching this show makes me nostalgic for my teenage years when I watched a lot of professional wrestling. It was the Monday Night Wars, it was the Attitude Era, it was crazy. Watching this show leads as to start listening to lots of wrestling podcasts and ultimately taking a peek at what current professional wrestling has to offer. This also leads to getting a streaming subscription to Peacock, where everything that was the “WWE Network” now resides. They have an entire series about the Monday Night Wars. We watch that, and then we move on to watching old episodes of Raw and Nitro from the late 90’s. This, of course, brings us back into contact with all those wrestlers I loved as a teenager, like Diamond Dallas Page.

During this period, I see a friend post on Facebook about his journey with DDP Yoga. What? Diamond Dallas Page has a yoga program? This was new information to me. I looked into and then hemmed and hawed for a long time, like months. I just kept doing what I had been doing. If anyone is familiar with the Enneagram, I am a type 6. We are great with plans, but not actions. I can think all day about the things I want to do and plan everything out, but when it comes to actually doing it… well that’s a different story. I also struggle with a lot of negative self talk. A lot of the time, I think, I won’t be able to do something, so why even bother trying at all. But I want to get better… not just physically, but mentally, and spiritually as well.

Last week I saw a post about the Positively Unstoppable challenge through DDP Yoga. March 31st was the last day to register for the 6 month challenge. Sure there are prizes involved, but for me it was more about connecting with others that are along the same journey as I am. There are other people that are struggling, that are working their butts off, and that are making progress. I am not the only person in this world dealing with any one of my problems. There are others. So I decided to sign up and start my first DDP Yoga program.

What’s that saying? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That’s where I was at. I can WANT to change all day long, but if I don’t actually put the work in, I’m going nowhere. So here we are, at the beginning of what I hope will be a successful journey. I know there will be slips and falls, but the most important thing is to get back up and keep on going. As part of the Positively Unstoppable challenge I want to document this journey. Maybe someday I can be an inspiration to other, as some have been for me. I hope you will join me on this journey and cheer me along the way!

Sorry this post is so long! I didn’t plan it that way. I guess I just had a lot to say! Keep your eye out for further check-ins along the way. I’d love to hear from you!

❤ Liz

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